Staying Informed About How Long Do Drugs Stay In The System

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byAlma Abell

Drug testing has become one of the most common procedures across the country when it comes to hiring new employees, obtaining certain benefits, or even joining specific organizations. While this is a very useful procedure, it can be scary for the person being tested if they have ingested any drugs, either prescribed or not. This fact leads to one of the most commonly asked questions in the medical field, “How Long Do Drugs Stay in the System?”. The answer to this question is reliant on a variety of different factors.

1)The Type of Drug Taken- Drugs metabolize in the system at various rates due to the fact that the body breaks each compound down in a different process. Marijuana, for example, is eliminated through a completely different process than what a prescription drug that is ingested would be. Marijuana can sometimes stay in the system for many weeks, while there are prescription drugs, such as painkillers, that are usually out within a few days.

2)The Metabolism of the Patient-When questioning how long do drugs stay in the system, you must know that the answer to this question is not the same for all people. People with higher metabolic rates will often eliminate traces of drugs a lot faster than someone who is less active. A good comparison is the way in which the body burns calories. People with a high metabolism will burn calories quicker and therefore, they will typically eliminate drugs much faster as well.

3)How Much of the Drug Was Taken?-Some drugs will remain in the system longer if they are taken in large quantities or if they are taken on a regular basis. Some prescription drugs actually build up in the system over time and therefore, they will take longer to eliminate. Certain forms of prescription medications are well known for this, and so is marijuana.

If you would like more information about how long do drugs stay in the system, Occupational Health Services may be able to help. It is best to educate yourself about how drugs react once they are in the body and just how long the residual components will hang around once inside.

Get The Highest Quality Sewer Main Repair Available In Arlington, Va

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byAlma Abell

Septic systems play a huge role in modern homes, and have been around since the ancient times of Rome and Greece. Flushing away waste products and water has always been the cleanest way of dealing with these waste byproducts of daily living, and having a reliable septic system for your home is the most efficient way of doing just that. If your septic line has suffered from physical damage, breaks, leaks, or has a clog, then it won’t be as efficient as it should be. It can even cause damage to other areas of your home or property if it has suffered from any problems physically. Having your Arlington home’s septic line repaired when it first experiences a problem, will help ensure there’s no interruption in the waste water disposal for your home.

When your septic line clogs up, it may not require extensive sewer main repair in Arlington VA. Sometimes, these clogs can be taken care of with simple piping snakes to dislodge the clog. If the offending clog is more stubborn than usual, the contractor you hire may choose to use a high pressure hose to dislodge it from the pipe and open the septic line back up for proper water flow. Some clogs require more extensive repairs, however, and may require them to physically cut into your septic line to locate and remove the clogged portion. Handling a job like this on your own can often cause more damage than good, unless you have experience with plumbing already. This is why it’s important to have a professional handle any plumbing and septic line repairs you may require.

The best way to prevent problems from damaging your septic line or causing a situation to arise with it that would require sewer main repair in Arlington VA, is to watch what goes down your drains and toilets. Some substances and items should never be rinsed down a drain, such as dirt, rocks, oil, grease, or other items you may wash off of your hands in the sink. The same can be said for toilets, since your septic system wasn’t made to flush down solid objects that can’t degrade in your septic system’s water.