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By Kevin Gianni
Renegade Water Secrets with John Hartman, CEO of OceanGrown Inc, manufacturer of OceanSolution, a mineral-rich sea solution.
Kevin: What are some of the conventional solutions that are being used on the crops in the field, and maybe take us through some of that agriculture change and then we’ll move into what OceanGrown’s OceanSolution can do.
John: Yeah, basically, just to throw down the gauntlet, there are congressional testimonies going back to the 1920’s and 30’s. I think the gentleman’s name was Thomas Beech. It’s on the internet. People can find it. But basically, he’s testifying before Congress that our soils have been ruined and that there are no more minerals in them to grow good food. Let’s just quickly run through agricultural practices. In the old days, they would rotate crops – well, let’s start in the very old days. In the very old days, we were nomadic and when a piece of ground was mined out, they would move on and so, constantly they would be moving and growing things in re-mineralized ground or an area that was able to re-mineralize either by annual flooding or natural soil bacteria and flora and fauna and whatnot, it was able to replenish itself. That’s how we got good soils in the first place.
Then we went on through the agricultural revolution and we started more intensive agriculture and we would rotate crops to try to mitigate the negatives of the new practices- we’d try to rotate through a crops like soybeans that will fix nitrogen and there would more friendly soil practices and we would let things go fallow one year. That’s how we used to do farming.
Then, at the end of the second World War when chemical agriculture really took hold in a very serious way, we went down from sort of having most minerals in the soil but in a haphazard way, to basically putting three elements back: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and they – not coincidentally – it’s also what they happen to have a lot of at the Second World War because it’s also what they made munitions with. They’re particularly incendiary components and quite dangerous. But anyway, they went to three elements, but let me stop it right here for a moment just to tell you one of Dr. Murray’s best stories. He has a bunch of them.
He used to do lectures and at the beginning of one particular lecture at a conference in 1976, he asked the farmers who were in front of him at an agricultural conference called Acres USA and they’re still in business today, still a great organization and a champion for good agriculture, but anyway, he asked farmers what their core business was and generally, what they said was ‘I’m a corn farmer,’ or ‘I’m a cattle farmer and I raise corn or cattle and I ship it to market.’ You’d get answers for about 10 minutes and he’d say, ‘Well, no, your core business is strip mining and that’s what you do because what you do is instead of dynamite, you use seeds to loosen the minerals from their holding matrix and then every year you harvest the cow or the corn and you ship them off your land with the minerals that they’ve collected from your land and you put back three things: nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Now, it used to be 90 things when that was virgin soil, now you’re putting back three and every year some collection of 90 go off your property. So what you end up with is a completely depleted soil and food that has no particular food value anymore and if you wanted to put it back, how would you put it back, because you cannot make a matrix of a collection of all 90 elements. How would you put them back? How would you make them?’
Kevin: Right.
John: Well, it just happens that sea water, in a very reliable way and a un-duplicate-able way, has all 90 natural elements. Scientists have tried to make sea water unsuccessfully for years. They spent millions and millions of dollars trying to do it. Anyway, so that’s basically what a farmer does. He’s a strip miner and you have to put them back if you want to grow good food and basically, that’s what we do.
Kevin: Got you. Let’s talk a little about some of the studies that you’ve done with this OceanSolution, the sea water. I don’t want this to sound like a commercial for Ocean-Grown, because I do want to get some of the information out there just to kind of tweak people’s minds, but the fact is that you guys have done studies and it has worked, so it in some ways it is kind of a commercial. You know what I’m saying? Go ahead..
John: You know, in fairness, to make it non-commercial in nature, listen, we’re going to have lots of competitors. There already are competitors; there will be lots of competitors. They way we look at it is all those people are helping us get rid of toxic agriculture.
Kevin: Right.
John: And in 20 years there will only be sea water type agricultural systems in place and NPK will be gone because nobody will tolerate it.
Kevin: Right, which is great. Thank you for doing that.
John: Sure.
Kevin: So what are some of the studies? Let’s talk about the tomatoes and the wheat grass.
John: Yeah, well basically, Dr. Murray did a pile and they’re on our website. They’re really phenomenal. People kind of pooh-pooh it as old research, but you know it’s just phenomenal science no matter how you cut it. With the instrumentation he had at the time, a lot of this was done in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s and 70’s. It just was phenomenal science, never to have been duplicated yet on that scope. I hope that we’ll have the opportunity, others will have the opportunity, but anyway, basically, everything from animal research to enzyme and amino acid research in all kinds of different crops, we personally have done wheat grass, green pepper, tomato studies and what’s interesting and we should talk about it is that every different fruit and vegetable and growing thing needs a different collection of elements and we don’t know them all because it’s very, very expensive research and we’re not geared that way yet. We hope to be some day, or find a lab that can do the quality research that’s required. But we hope to identify every fruit and vegetable’s number. What are well understood are tomatoes and grasses. Tomatoes pick up 56 elements out of the 90, always the same 56 and if they’re available. If they’re not available, it takes what it can and you can see why it doesn’t taste the same.
Now, grasses are interesting things and grasses, whether it is barley grass, wheat grass, Bermuda grass – they tend to pick up all 90 and it’s interesting because if you look at grazing animals, think about it – grazing animals have one thing in their diet. They have no diversity. There’s no diversity at all. They don’t get on ladders and pick fruit off orange trees. They just sit there and eat grass all day long and yet, they don’t have osteoporosis. In a natural environment, they really suffer from no diseases at all. Why is that? How can that be possible off of one input? And the answer is that grasses pick up all 90 elements. Ann Wigmore, a lot of your readers, I’m sure will know Ann Wigmore. She’s really the person who made wheat grass famous. She cured herself of multiple maladies just by eating grass that she grabbed out of her backyard when she was very, very sick and chewing on it. She went on to have a number of health institutes of which there’s some survivors of those institutes. One’s in Florida, one’s in Puerto Rico, there’s one in California. I believe there’s one in Michigan. They don’t go under her name anymore, I don’t believe, but they basically all follow the same regime which is based on wheat grass and the reason wheat grass, again, is because it picks up all 90 natural elements.
Now, those studies are on our website. But, again, if you grow grass with distilled water, it will have only the elements that it happened to have in its seed when it was planted. Distilled water has no elements and that’s really the definition of distilled water. It has no dissolved solids. So, basically you can do half a field with sea water elements and leave the other half natural or use NPK and cattle and buffalo are very hip nutritionists, if you will, and they’ll always move into the side that has the minerals because they can detect it. They know where to go and it’s often why you’ll see cattle and horses sticking their heads through fences. It’s because it hasn’t been mined out and so they know it’s more mineral rich outside the fence than it is inside the fence.
Kevin: Wow.
John: You see? That’s how intelligent animals are about nutrition. I wish we were.
About the Author: Kevin Gianni the host of “Renegade Health Show” – a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. He is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands of people in over 85 countries though online health teleseminars on The Healthiest Year of Your Life. He is also the creator and co-author of “The Busy Person’s Fitness Solution.”
Source: isnare.com
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