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Cyber security enthusiasts, prospective professionals, or just about anyone who has been following cyber security headlines over the last few years, has likely heard iterations of the same story- businesses are unable to recruit the cyber security talent they require, resulting in millions of job openings. The ‘Cyber Security Skills Gap’ is frequently mentioned in the news.
How true are these words? Is the skill gap in cyber security only a myth or a reality? Let us find out more about the cybersecurity skills gaps in this article.
Cyber security career prospects through Myths or Reality
Cybersecurity is multifaceted, and to be competent in this field, each component necessitates a separate set of skills and expertise. Individuals must gain essential skills and knowledge, either through official training or self-development, to be successful in this sector. Many colleges now offer formal degrees and cyber security course online programs.
Cyber security course online from reputed training institutes will provide education aligning with CYBOK ( Cyber security Book of Knowledge). This has become highly essential. CyBok is a handbook that codifies information from textbooks, academic research articles, technical reports, white papers, and standards, putting it all together in one place for practitioners to study and expand their knowledge.
CyBok isn’t the only way to advance in this cyber security career. A prospective cyber security engineer may take advantage of the cyber security course online platforms and obtain a wide range of certificates and badges.
There are a few standout qualifications among the numerous to pick from that many firms are looking for. The following are some of them:
- Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
- Certified Information Security Management (CISM)
- Certified Information Security Auditor (CISA)
- Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
The Hiring Drawbacks
A skills gap is a mismatch between what companies desire or need from specific employees and what those employees can actually do when they arrive at work. There is a skills gap if you can’t locate someone who knows how to do a penetration test.
If a company automatically rejects individuals who have hands-on hacking expertise but don’t have a specific college degree, the problem isn’t so much a skills gap as it is a recruiter expectations gap.
Hiring criteria that are too strict don’t work for anyone. It means that far too many qualified applications are overlooked, resulting in open positions. Fortunately, there are signs that things are changing, with an additional 700,000 employees expected to join the cyber security field in 2020 (up 25% from the previous year’s estimates). Employers are being encouraged to be more creative when it comes to hiring, with less emphasis on standard training paths and more flexibility when it comes to years of experience required.
This is, in fact, very excellent news for aspiring information security professionals. You should be in a better position than ever to fill the gap if you can pivot your existing talents, bridge knowledge gaps, and pick up the type of practical know-how that’s in demand.
A new shift in the employment trajectory
Stories about the cyber security skills gap have dominated the news in recent years. However, there has been a recent shift: companies are realizing that the problem is a hiring shortage rather than a skills shortage. Forward-thinking companies are becoming less rigorous in their recruitment practices, which is good news for anyone who came to the information sector through unconventional means.
ISACA, the world’s largest IT governance and accrediting organization, recently published an essay outlining best practices for expanding the talent pool. Among them are-
- Setting clear, attainable goals in job ads and relying more heavily on practical skills tests.
- Flexibility when it comes to criteria for years of experience.
- Avoiding a heavy dependence on formal qualifications in favor of current knowledge.
- Inquisitiveness, eagerness to learn, problem-solving, and communication skills are all qualities to look for.
To advance in this field as a cyber security engineer, one must acknowledge that one must go beyond collecting certifications and instead build networks and associations with like-minded individuals in order to learn from one another. According to the ISSA report, cyber security specialists must build a blend of hands-on experience, fundamental credentials, and networking skills. The term “networking” does not refer to technical competence, but rather to the need for professionals to interact both within and outside of their respective industries and sectors.
We need to get out of our comfort zones and interact with the broader topic of cybersecurity to close the cybersecurity skills gap for professionals. Professionals must comprehend what the business wants and needs, as well as master some of those elusive “soft” talents. They, for example, bridge the communication gap and develop our own marketing approach
Get started with training and upskilling through a cyber security online course and attain specific abilities your current employer demand if you want to switch to a cyber security engineer. Cyber security course typically trains on fundamental skills and help in getting started in a cyber security career even for those who have never worked with computers. If businesses are to respond to the increased risks they face, they must be more flexible in their recruiting practices. There has never been a better time for potential employees to focus on targeted, hands-on training to bridge their own skill gaps. Examine your skills to see if they’re better aligned with the market demand.